Saturday, July 16, 2011

Substance P & Real Time Pain Relief

Substance P (SP) is a neurotransmitter—the substance in your body that travels (very quickly) from the site of an injury to your brain to shout, "That HURTS!" A pin prick will release a small amount, a hammer-blow to the thumb a greater amount, and a broken leg an even larger amount.

that-hurts-300To understand it a little better, think of SP as a fleet of cars.  At the site of an injury, a certain number of cars are dispatched to tell the central nervous system to feel pain.  To deliver their message, the cars have to park in their assigned parking space.  That is, the neurotransmitter, SP, has to "park" in a receptor site known as an NK1 receptor. Here's why that's important.

Ever since its discovery in 1931, scientists have been trying to figure out how to stop pain by blocking off the NK1 parking spots.   So they use powerful drugs to dampen the communication along the neuro-pathways, shutting down the SP highway, so to speak.  The thing is, when you do that, your body gets smarter and makes more SP, so when the drug wears off and the highways are reopened, there's even more SP rushing to your brain to tell you how bad you hurt.  This is why, over time, you have to take more and more painkillers just to get the same amount of relief.

What if, instead of closing the highways, you could just take a bunch of the cars out of the fleet?  Can SP be reduced in the body?  Yes.   By the humble chili pepper—or at least a component of the capsicum family of plants of which the chili pepper is a member.  That component is capsaicin, and it is well known as a pain reliever and for reducing SP.

When you're able to use the pain-relieving power of the capsicum family, you end up doing yourself two really big favors: You relieve your pain AND you reduce the amount of SP in your body.  That means a smaller fleet of those "hey—this hurts" cars.
If you have serious pain, it has taken time to build up the serious levels of SP in your body.  Likewise, it will take time to start to bring that level down—as much as four weeks.  But isn't it great to know that you at least have a way to do it?
Just so you know, capsaicin itself can be irritating.  You can't use it too often, and it often causes an uncomfortable burning sensation.   If it doesn't burn, it's not working.  That's one reason you won't find capsaicin in RTPR.

Instead, we put a very potent but gentle form of capsicum in Real Time Pain Relief.  Our results have been great, and because of the SP reducing qualities of the capsicum family of plants, you're likely to need less and less the longer you use it, because you'll have less and less Substance P.

Real Time Pain Relief - Rub It On and The Pain Is Gone!

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